
Click on a title to learn more about each course.

Call Center Training

Course Title Subscription Level Length
Call Center 101
Phone Etiquette Basic Access 5:13
Active Listening Basic Access 6:15
Asking Good Questions Basic Access 6:20
Don't Say This Basic Access 6:04
Call Center 201
Troubleshooting All Access 5:29
Handling Angry Callers All Access 5:10
Escalating Issues All Access 6:20

Working Remotely

Course Title Subscription Level Length
Communicating with Your Remote Team Basic Access 2:40
Working Remotely Basic Access 5:22
Collaborating in a Digital World Select Access 5:49
Setting Up Your Virtual Workspace Select Access 5:46
Body Language in Virtual Meetings All Access 4:25
Working Virtually with Your Boss All Access 4:54
Time Management in a Work from Home World All Access 5:48

Problem Solving

Course Title Subscription Level Length
Introduction to Problem Solving Basic Access 3:26
Gathering Information Basic Access 6:01
Define the Problem Basic Access 5:18
Determine the Root Cause Select Access 3:47
Routing a Problem All Access 3:37
Making Quick Choices All Access 6:34
Going with Your Gut Select Access 5:00

Customer Service

Course Title Subscription Level Length
The Four Ps For Creating Loyal Customers Basic Access 5:58
Representing Your Brand Basic Access 7:46
Customer Service Chat Basic Access 7:06
Customer Service for Field Service Technicians Select Access 10:38
Customer Service Later All Access 5:18
Service Quality Indicators All Access 2:59


Course Title Subscription Level Length
How to Communicate Well at Work Basic Access 4:35
Straight Talk on Bad Language Basic Access 3:45
Verbal Communicaiton Select Access 8:07
Speaking Customer Select Access 4:43
How Not to Communicate Select Access 6:45
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication All Access 4:51
Effective Interpersonal Communication All Access 4:05
Communicating with Confidence All Access 4:06

Email Communication

Course Title Subscription Level Length
Email Etiquette
To Email or Not To Email? Basic Access 1:28
Spelling and Grammar Check Basic Access 1:05
Subject Line Basic Access 1:18
Formatting Your Email Basic Access 2:29
Sending Attachments Basic Access 1:26
Reply Time Basic Access 1:27
When to Cc and Bcc Basic Access 1:46
Using Reply All Basic Access 1:18
Forwarding Emails Basic Access 1:35